Players: Dr. Andy Wright, John Stenger, James Miller and Rusty King
“Sheep May Safely Graze” Johann Sebastian Bach, arr.
Andrew Forrest
“Eine Kleine Nachtmusik” by Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart,
arr. R. Piche
“Entrance of the Queen of Sheba” from “Solomon” by
George Frederick Handel, arr. SJ Nixon
Excerpt from “Brandenburg Concerto” by Johann
Sebastian Bach, arr. Patrice Durand
“Allegretto” from “Symphony #7” Ludwig von Beethoven,
arr. Patrice Durand
“Chorale” aka “O Sacred Head, Now Wounded” Johann
Sebastian Bach, arr. Joseph Castle
“Jesu, Joy of Man’s Desiring” Johann Sebastian Bach, arr.
Ralf Behrens
“Ave Verum” Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart, arr. Ralf Behrens
“Pavane” Gabriel Faure, arr. Sveinn Eythorsson
“Holy Manna” arr. James Miller
“Come Back to Sorrento” arr. Joseph Castle
“El Dios Di Paz” arr. James Miller
“Canon in A Minor” Alexander Scriabin arr. Roberto Garcia
“Menuet” Ludwig von Beethoven, arr. L. Meneret
“Hungarian Dance #5” Johannes Brahms, arr. Ian
“Concerto in D” “Movement One” Antonio Vivaldi, arr.
Jeremy Sparks
“Ob La Di, Ob La Da” by the Beatles, arr. Justin Craig